Laure-Anne D - she gave her all for France!

I am not one of zose fussy, yappy ladies who are forever complaining about zis or zat. I am known for my submissive, yielding, dishy little personality as well as my perky breasts.

'owever I must say zat Nadia's 'ygiene leaves a lot to be desired. Before I see 'er, I am smelling 'er. And Kirstin is so dowdy and frumpish! It is no wonder nobody 'as invited 'er to perform in ze top girls club. She would frighten all ze nice gentlemen away with 'er freckly gigantic face like ze moon.

'opefully I can give 'er an acid peel while she's asleep in our - 'ow do you say? - "digs".
I am stuck down 'ere for another two weeks. I 'ave 'ad a little affair with a postman, but nothing to write 'ome about. Wait for me, Edinburgh! I am coming!

It brings to mind a sweet afternoon I spent with a 'ighland warrior  in my last term at school. I 'ad excelled in gym, and 'e was called in to 'elp us girls improve our shotput technique. 'e 'ad ze arms of a brute and ze 'eart of a bear. I was so taken by 'is tufty neck 'air, and 'e by my naive charm and delight.

"What are you doing?" I asked 'im, as he plunged a digit into my genital zone.

"Dae ye like it, Lauren?" 'e asked me, ze shotput still clasped in his grisly arm.

"Oui, oui," I cried, as 'e launched ze shotput across ze sports pitch, smashing a nearby window and stifling my cry.

It was marvellous.
North'ampton was a dream. I was ze most popular act in ze fishmarket, I won't go on about it. Ellis is certainly an 'andsome young man - deceptively conversational. I was overjoyed to feel 'is 'ard member pressing against me through the material. Ze cad!

Of course, 'e and I spent some time together afterwards. 'E was overcome and filled with awe.

Nadia and Kirstin are such 'ard-nosed bitches - zey are working me like a prize cow.


Laure-Anne x